Values & Approach
helping businesses and organizations align purpose with workplace culture
I founded Clements Employment Law, P.C. on the desire and vision to provide high quality employment counsel to businesses and organizations committed to developing a positive, inclusive workplace culture.
After representing large employers in dozens of high-stakes employment lawsuits while working at a large law firm, it became clear to me that many lawsuits could be avoided if businesses and organizations placed a high priority on developing a positive workplace culture and invested in critical HR/People Operations Infrastructure.
I witnessed private and public clients spend millions of dollars on costly lawsuits that may have been avoided through a preventative wage/hour audit, clear job performance policies and procedures, or a professionally-led investigation into complaints of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.
To that end, we specialize in using our expertise in employment law to advance culture-first policies and practices. What does this mean? It means that we provide high quality, professional legal representation, while helping organizations align their purpose with their workplace culture.
For example:
if a business or organization has committed itself publicly to address systemic racism, we will provide counsel that helps align those commitments with its workplace culture.
if a business or organization wants to support the careers of working mothers and parents, we will provide creative solutions to help businesses align that goal with employee benefits policies.
if a small business or start-up wants to start hiring, we walk them through how to do so compliantly, fairly, and efficiently.
if a company has a zero-tolerance harassment policy, we equip them with the legal tools they will need to train managers and staff, and develop an effective complaint resolution process.
In sum, it means that we speak up when we spot an employment law issue that impacts workplace culture. We work closely with HR and in-house teams to creatively solve problems with an eye towards purpose and values.
We believe that it is possible to create workplaces where employees and business can thrive. Is it hard work? Yes. Does it require creativity and a willingness to be self-reflective? Yes. But more than ever, I feel called to meet the moment.
All of us at Clements Employment Law, P.C. are dedicated to serving culture-first businesses. We look forward to working together.
~Wilder, Founder/Principal Attorney (Clements Employment Law, P.C.)